Let’s Talk Long Term

It is easy to talk about the “To Do” list for the week or the month. It becomes much more difficult to plan for a year or more in advance. I can not even explain how many people I have met, or am friends with, who are unable to make plans for the future. Planning for a time frame as short as the following week or a vacation in the summer seem like insurmountable tasks. For a long time I wondered why, and I finally have something that resembles an answer.

One reason I have noticed comes from the expression “flying by the seat of your pants”. Those people unable to make a plan prefer not to have one, although they are most likely capable. I find this difficult to maintain for long periods of time. Especially once you have children, even they prefer to plan ahead and often get upset when things change abruptly.

There may be a portion of people who just aren’t capable of planning for the long term. For this there can be a wide array of reasons (or excuses). Who knows, maybe there is a couple in which the relationship is one sided. He wants to plan for a vacation next year, and she is planning on no longer engaging in the relationship. That would obviously cause some problems in the planning process.

My long term goals are detailed enough to provide a road map towards success while also maintaining enough ambiguity for the unexpected. I’m including weddings, deaths, and changes in residence as my unexpected possibilities. Long term is considered more than one year, however it can be broken down as 1-2 years, 5+ years, and 10+ years. It seems to be much more difficult to grasp a solid idea for 10+ years than it used to be. I feel I may be getting older which is the cause of this struggle. Therefore, I have no goals for 10+ years.

Goals 1-2 years:
I would like to become a certified Health Coach. However, I have, and will continue, to spend time searching open positions with this title. If it seems I will not be able to use the certification without a masters level degree then I will re-formulate my goals to reflect that and delete the certification as a goal. It seems to be a waste of time to pay for something that will get me absolutely nothing in return.
Due to my indecisive nature, I am still not sure if I will complete my current masters program or change my direction. Therefore, I have taking the GRE exam as one of my goals for this time period. I enrolled in a program that allows a signed waiver in place of GRE exam scores. It is necessary to have an exceptional GPA from the required undergraduate program, however it is unusual to find a masters program that will allow it.

Goals 5+ years:
Still engaged in the struggle to plan much farther ahead than this I only have one entry for this goal level. This goal is completing my MPH, or if I change my mind, completing which ever program I choose.

One thing that I did not mention because I haven’t decided on whether to sign myself up, motivational interviewing. I briefly used some of these techniques in a counseling class during my undergraduate program. I really enjoyed talking with people and getting them to open up without them realizing what is happening. I found an online course solely in motivational interviewing and I was greatly intrigued. This is a goal that would really only benefit me on a personal level. If I am able to stay in the field of nutrition these skills will only assist me in counseling and helping clients. Outside of nutrition and it’s only for me. I will benefit in almost any position I obtain with these skills, but I don’t think having it on my resume will do much for the job search.

Now I am left with the task of mapping this all out. Writing down each small step that needs to be taken to reach my goals, to achieve success and be proud of it. Does anyone else do this? What tasks lie at the sides of your path? What is everyone else moving towards in their lives?

Busy? Ya Think!

With the hope of posting regularly once I started my masters program I soon became aware of the reason for the high price of a graduate education. I underestimated the amount of work that is both required and expected. By no means am I a lazy student. I enjoy school, learning, and even my homework. However, when I feel as though I don’t have the time for even the simplest of assignments everything becomes a battle for my time.

Do I have time to prepare the meals I would like or am I going to choose unhealthier, quick options? Should I be playing with my daughter or preparing a homework assignment? What is an appropriate reason to miss class, and can I handle all of the family issues that have come up in one short quarter?

Maybe taking two classes at once was not the best choice. I have since decided to take one class at a time until further notice. Recently informed that the program gets easier the farther into it you go, I wish I had that information on registration day! Although, now equipped with the proper information so that I am not removed from the program for non-compliance I will be putting more thought into the small choices I make regarding school.

It Is Official!

I recently graduated this past May. As exciting and rewarding as graduation was, it was not complete. I still felt as though it could be taken away, much easier than it was gained. Such a long and arduous struggle throughout the years to finally finish, just to have the unsettling feeling it could be stolen from me.

However, I recently received my diploma in the mail. Success! I can add letters after my name and not feel as though I was committing an atrocity. I can no longer be robbed of my triumph. Displayed attractively in a sable frame united with my tassel. Feeling exultant from a previously unfamiliar accomplishment.

A masters program is the next logical step in this corn maze I lovingly refer to as life. This is not the ending, although the relief it would provide is well deserved. Stopping now would derail a train of motivation still filled with fuel. Shame to waste it. Life permitting, I will be pursuing a dual masters. Two degrees with one and a half the credits, it would be ludicrous to decline.

So another turn on my track with light at the end of the tunnel.

Help Us Get To FNCE 2014!


Visit our website for more information http://www.sandbenefit.com. There is a short blurb about some of the students the benefit will help send to the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) in October 2014. We would love to see anyone interested in health, nutrition, wellness, or just plain fun come and join us for a night of food, music, and a good time. All are welcome! If you are only able to donate, not to worry, donations can be made on the website which is done through a link to the university site, so it’s safe and secure. I know that’s a big concern for many people, but even the students attending are purchasing their tickets through the site. I hope to see all of you there.

It’s Almost Over…Sort Of

As the new semester begins I’m filled with a feeling of relief. This will all be over soon, my extensive college tour that is. This is my last semester, I’m graduating in May. Then what…

Well, more school of course! The plan: to start a masters program, get a job related to my degree (in order to pay for the masters), and parent my quickly growing little one. How exactly am I going to accomplish all of this you ask? I have no idea, but I have to take each day as it comes. I have a plan, but honestly, anything can happen. My plan started with setting goals. Short term, five years, and ten years in the future. I’ve been told that this is great for anyone. It helps put things in perspective and gives something to look forward to every day. Also included were the steps necessary to reach the small, as well as the large goals.

A main point of focus for my plan is allowing some things to be GOOD ENOUGH. I have spent much time in my life trying to make things perfect, knowing there is no such thing as perfection. What would happen if I was unable to reach perfection, nothing. That is, whatever the task was, I would not accomplish it on any level. Talk about holding yourself back. How can anything get done if I am not willing to allow myself a certain level of satisfaction.

So there it is. I’ll be enjoying five regular classes, one online class, and one community health practicum this semester. Included in that will be whatever side projects I decide to engage in. All of it, all of the work that I will do will be good enough. It will be good enough for me, but hopefully a great job for them. Considering my expectations all will be well. I have nothing to fret, and nothing to fear. Well, maybe a little, I am still human.

FNCE 2013-Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo

This was my first time attending FNCE and it was wonderful. Torn between wanting to attend every class possible and visit the expo floor the entire day, difficult choices had to be made. I attended the conference this year with a group of students from my school. My choice to attend was very last minute compared to my fellow students. I’ve wanted to attend since hearing of the conference, but thought I would never be able to as a student. Since I plan on entering into a masters program after graduation I thought making the visit while still working on my undergrad was a good decision. My pocket book did not agree with me. However, an award opportunity has come up that I will be taking advantage of in the near future.

If anyone is interested in helping out with student awards to attend FNCE in Oct. 2014 please let me know. We are hosting a benefit in March 2014. We would love to have attendees, donors, and sponsors!

The entire experience is a bit overwhelming at first, but we all got used to it after a day or two. My fellow professionals are a bit ravenous when it comes to freebies. This is not an exaggeration! I tried to be thoughtful and only take things I felt I could use.
Although I signed up only about a month and a half in advance, the decision to spend the whole five days was made without hesitation. Unlike my travel partners, I was able to accomplish more than one goal on my trip to Houston, TX. A friend of mine lives in Austin and drove down for a visit one of the first evenings. Since I had signed up so late I was unable to be a part of any dinners or early breakfast talks for some of the DPGs. In addition to the visit from my friend I completed a restaurant visit assignment. All of this made me feel a little better due to the fact that I didn’t bring any homework with me and was stressed about it the whole trip.
One of the goals of attending FNCE, other than the initial experience, was to bring back as much information and samples to share with the rest of the nutrition students. A FNCE social was conducted, with bags and nametags to make it a real experience. Free samples of snacks and literature were all gathered in preparation for the social. The students seemed to enjoy it, plus they were introduced to the thought of attending themselves next year. It made the task seem not so hard after seeing that the five of us could do it.
As for the classes I was able to squeeze in, one was completely scientific, but I loved it. The rest were mostly geared towards students and the path to becoming an RD and/or a professional with a few fun ones stuck in the middle. Having had a video project coming up I made sure to make time for the cooking demonstration class and a shortened version of the food photography workshop. I walked away with great information from all that I attended.

Oh and I almost forgot, I entered a contest and won a copy of David Grotto’s book “The Best Things You Can Eat.” A highlight of my trip.

That's me on the left

That’s me on the left

Busy, I don’t like being this busy!

Don’t you hate when things get so busy you forget to blog?  Me too, and that’s why I haven’t written a thing in a few months.  I’m really upset with myself.  Now as the new semester looms over me with less than a week left, I feel compelled to write everything inside my head.  Funny how that works, I want to start a ton of new projects too, but I know I don’t have the time for that.  I did finish knitting a scarf for my daughter.  Hopefully she’ll actually wear it.  So this was just a little note to say I’m still here.  Very shortly I’ll be updating with some things to chat about at the dinner table.

It Is Still New

This is my favorite part of any semester, I’m still excited about all of the projects I have to complete, and I’m not yet behind on my work.  Well,  not too behind!  This semester really feels as though I’m going to gain some actual skill in my preferred area of learning.  Next semester will probably not be the same since I will be making up random classes that I need to complete like more humanities and org behavior, as well as, microbiology that I don’t need for anything but one or two higher level nutrition classes.  I do feel as though I’m taking large steps in the right direction with my choice to volunteer.  I get a little frustrated seeing other students wasting their time while I have to spend mine working two jobs just to support my little one and myself.  Also a little regret because I did not understand the process sooner when I was still a “college student” living at home.  If I would have stopped wasting my time then, like some of the students I see, I would be so much farther ahead if not completely done by now.  I guess you live and learn.  I just hope I’m enough of an example for my daughter that she’ll listen instead of making the same stupid mistakes.  Hopefully since I’ve actually been through it the information will be on a firsthand basis, and more impactful.  I’ll have to admit having parents who never went to college did not necessarily hurt me, but it didn’t help me either.  They were unable to give info or ideas since they had never been through the process.  A sibling of mine recently went back to school.  I’ve been getting so many questions about registration, buying books and supplies, and just basic stuff.  I felt pretty special that I could actually hold information someone else didn’t know.  And then to think I had figured most of that out on my own because there was nobody to show me.  Years and years of figuring stuff out just to start attending a school that does things very differently from the previous junior colleges I had attended.  Oh well, I keep joking that by the time I graduate I’ll be able to leave the basement of one of the buildings and know which way I’m going.  I tell you when there are no windows how can a person know which direction they are going!

I successfully completed another day with biochem and I’m still with the program.  Although most of what the professor has gone over is review of things I should have already learned in organic chemistry.  A couple of the girls and I are going to start a weekly study group.  I also received my new study workbook from the bookstore.  In addition to that I have all of my organic chemistry papers in the car so I have them when the review moment strikes.  I’m hoping all of my silly efforts will turn out to actually be beneficial.  Each day something more is added to my plate and I can fall down and cry or I can just keep going and do the best that I can.  Plus the floor is dirty!

First Week Over

I have made it through my first week of school and I’m still alive.  Although ironically enough I think I’m sick.  I’ll use my age-old remedy of ignoring it and just hope it goes away without bothering me too much or passing itself to my little one.  When she gets sick I just feel bad for her.  Anyway, for just one of my classes I’m supposed to spend about five hours outside of the class studying.  The average is three to five hours.  That’s 17 to 25 hours outside of class just for studying.  Then I’m supposed to work and my daughter is actually expected to know who I am at the end of the semester.  This sucks!  I just have to keep thinking of the light at the end of the tunnel.

One positive note, I like all of my professors this semester.  I can’t say the same for all of the classes.  I know biochemistry is going to be hard and I’m ready to hit it straight on, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it!  I do hope that I get everything I can from that class.  Really understanding that subject will help me later on I know.  I definitely want to get a good grade, but I’d really like to and benefit from truly understanding it.  I had a little trouble with organic chemistry and it’s been a whole summer so most of the information is no longer in my head.  I’m also hoping that using the info over and over multiple times in a different context than the chemistry class will help me too.  We shall see as the semester moves on.  I am going to do some more organic chemistry review for sure.  Anything could help me at this point.  So as the days continue I will have my head buried in various books all of a large size and heavy weight.  My back is already starting to get sore from lugging around my books.  I did my final organizing so I have a notebook, folder, and some binders for almost every class.  The classes that seem like they have a lot more going on I have a binder for.  One or two just a notebook and folder.  Of course they are matching colors so I don’t get confused.  One semester I had all mis-matched notebooks and folders which made things very confusing until mid semester.

Time to hit the books.  I have to get in at least an hour tonight just so I’ve done something.

One Day and Counting…

Well time is up for me.  School starts tomorrow and I’m as prepared as I’m going to be.  I still don’t have all of my supplies ready but that’s not because I’m lazy.  You never really know exactly what you’ll need for a class until the first day or two.  Some classes require a lot of note taking, some teachers hand out a lot of packets and a binder is better suited.  Either way I’ll be a little more organized after this first week.  I have the basic stuff already packed in my school bag.  I have snacks stored in the pantry for the between class times.  Now I’m trying to remember which classes I’m attending tomorrow, and what books go with which class!  It usually takes me a couple of weeks before I can stop looking at my schedule completely.  My school has changed a few things which are not going to help this semester.  The blackboard website they use has been completely changed since spring and having been on there a few times to see if my new classes are listed it doesn’t look very user-friendly.  The nutrition department has also moved its main office in the school.  Instead of popping in for quick info I’ll have to check where I wrote down the new room number and try to remember where to find it.  Luckily my school is not that big.  Most of the stuff I need is in two main buildings requiring a short walk between them daily.  Some other places I only visit on occasion or the beginning of each semester.  This leaves me little knowledge about the rest of the places I might be able to use on campus but keeps things simple.  I’ll take anything simple I can get my hands on.

So off to bed I go.  The worst thing I could do is stay up too late worrying about things I can’t control and then being super tired on the first day of class.  Of course, I’m a front of class sitter so it’s important I stay awake at all times.  I don’t have vision problems I have paying attention problems.  The closer I am the more I have to pay attention.  When I start to feel really sleepy and I can almost feel my head falling I’ll get up and leave the room and walk the hall for a minute.  This usually wakes me up and I can return to class.  Most professors would rather a student do this then fall asleep and let the other students see them sleeping.  It makes the professor look bad, and boring.  I’ll admit, when I’m up talking to the class for a project I don’t like when people look bored out of their skulls.  Maybe I’ll try clapping loudly to get their attention.  I might get extra points for that!

That’s all I’ve got for one night.