Stuffed Animal Revolution!

I don’t have to take a poll to know that most households have way too many stuffed animals.  I propose a stuffed animal revolution!  Fight back against the inundation of fluff, fur, buttons, and eyeballs.  Fight back against the loss of floor space or entire rooms.

We will no longer give in to claw machines and whining kids asking for just one more.  We will no longer give in to distant family members sending our children home with stuffed friends larger than them.  It’s time to stand up and say “NO”.  We need to give these useless toys to children in need, children whose parents can’t afford to buy them or waste money on claw machines.

What if your child doesn’t handle that very well?  Then I recommend taking their stuffed animals out of the toy box late at night when the child is asleep.  In this secretive manner only the less well known stuffed friends can be taken.  Give your child the chance to do something nice and donate one of their stuffed animals knowingly.

If all else fails, have a house fire, just kidding!