Forty Days and Forty Nights

Despite the title, I’m not talking about massive rain or a flood…well maybe.  After a consultation with a trusted colleague I decided to do a parasite cleanse.  There may be a flood, but I’ve never cleansed before so I’m in for a treat.  The proper way to do a parasite cleanse is a forty day process.

First, ten days of the parasite cleanse as usual.  Then, ten more days of horsetail to help kill the eggs.  After this twenty day process I repeat it.  The goal is to rid myself of the parasites, however I should also gain a feeling of better health.  Compared to how I’ve been feeling over the past year I would guess it’s going to be better.

Both during and after the cleanse I will need to work on repairing my gastrointestinal tract.  Probiotics are going to be my best friend during this time.  In addition, I will be consuming various fermented foods to help with friendly bacteria and energy.

Not only am I embarking on a path I have yet to travel, but I will also be starting a 90 day eating and exercise plan.  This too is going to make me feel better.  I would like to clarify that I am not starting a diet, I am starting an eating plan.  I am changing my lifestyle especially in the way that I eat.  Everyone knows that most of the food we consume in the U.S. is garbage.  It’s highly processed and loaded with sugar, bad fats, sodium, and too many simple carbohydrates.  I will be eating real food, prepared mostly by me (with the help of my little one), and I’ll be eating more often.

On that note, I must go now to start chopping and planning some meals for the next few days.  Happy Thursday!


A New Journey

About to embark on a new journey I am both excited and a little bit scared.  The idea that I might actually have the ability to work for myself doing something I enjoy is exhilarating.  In order to avoid jinxing myself I will hold back from any details for awhile.

I’ll admit that I am taking an 18 week class and about to order a textbook.  Just when I thought I might be done with school, however I have always enjoyed learning, even in a school setting.  So in a short three weeks my journey will begin.