What’s Going On?

Although very much into health and wellness I had previously never done a cleanse. I’ve had many conversations with people who have done cleanses and learned of the different outcomes and reactions. Armed with this arsenal of information I still went into my cleanse like every newbie does, thinking it’s going to be sunshine and rainbows.

Well let me tell you that’s not the case. First, the cleanse I am currently on is a parasite cleanse, slightly different from a regular whole body cleanse. Second, I didn’t take heed of people’s comments. The third day, or about, can be a bit rough.

I felt sick, really sick. Flu like symptoms, whole body muscle aches, shivering, headache. I couldn’t decide if what I was feeling was from the cleanse or something else. It came on so quickly, but shortly after my evening dose. Could it have been the blue cheese on my lunch salad, a homemade drink, my cleanse, not eating soon enough after talking a dose, or was I actually getting the flu?

As the night progressed I got worse. I went to bed covered in a quilt and asked that we only use the fan since the air conditioner might kill me. Every two hours I woke up more hot than before and dying of thirst. I also developed an excruciating headache that pounded in my ears each time I rolled over. 

Finally, morning came. I asked for assistance with Ibuprofen and water because I couldn’t move without the pain of my heart beating in my head. After falling back asleep I awoke feeling significantly better. While getting ready for my day I chose to take my morning cleanse dose and eat leftovers from the previous night. A very brave act, but as I gained more energy and felt better it seemed to be a wise decision.

I can be frank in saying  I wasn’t  100% that day. The evening dose was accidentally forgotten, but I’ve continued everything else as normal. I haven’t felt that way since and hope I don’t for the duration of the cleanse. Maybe some nasty parasites were actually cleansed from my body. Then it would seem worth it. However, I don’t plan on searching for them. I’ll just act like they were. 

I’ll keep you posted on the progress.

Forty Days and Forty Nights

Despite the title, I’m not talking about massive rain or a flood…well maybe.  After a consultation with a trusted colleague I decided to do a parasite cleanse.  There may be a flood, but I’ve never cleansed before so I’m in for a treat.  The proper way to do a parasite cleanse is a forty day process.

First, ten days of the parasite cleanse as usual.  Then, ten more days of horsetail to help kill the eggs.  After this twenty day process I repeat it.  The goal is to rid myself of the parasites, however I should also gain a feeling of better health.  Compared to how I’ve been feeling over the past year I would guess it’s going to be better.

Both during and after the cleanse I will need to work on repairing my gastrointestinal tract.  Probiotics are going to be my best friend during this time.  In addition, I will be consuming various fermented foods to help with friendly bacteria and energy.

Not only am I embarking on a path I have yet to travel, but I will also be starting a 90 day eating and exercise plan.  This too is going to make me feel better.  I would like to clarify that I am not starting a diet, I am starting an eating plan.  I am changing my lifestyle especially in the way that I eat.  Everyone knows that most of the food we consume in the U.S. is garbage.  It’s highly processed and loaded with sugar, bad fats, sodium, and too many simple carbohydrates.  I will be eating real food, prepared mostly by me (with the help of my little one), and I’ll be eating more often.

On that note, I must go now to start chopping and planning some meals for the next few days.  Happy Thursday!